Cybersecurity Awareness Month Pledge

Aware | Act | Accomplish




My pledge

I will:

  • Take complete (personal) responsibility for the security of my organization and people by the use of good and proven security practices
  • Follow all regulatory advisories and lead or assist wherever required for all compliance mandates and standards such as those prescribed by NIST, regional regulators, or CERT agencies and ISA/IEC 
  • Strive to build visibility and operational transparency in networks that I use or am connected to  
  • Always pause and think about the risks before I connect to the Internet; I will lock my device when unattended
  • Never click on any suspicious link(s) 
  • Protect organizational IoT and OT equipment by implementing cybersecurity best practices.
  • Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. I will create a separate password for each account and never reuse a password. 
  • Follow my organization's policy and promptly report all security incidents or concerns to my organization's security and IT office/department
  • Safeguard sensitive data from any inappropriate disclosure
  • Try to improve my knowledgebase and understanding of threats and risks my organization and I are exposed to
  • Never post personal, sensitive, or non-public information on social media
  • Regularly update/patch all devices and any asset(s) that I am responsible for or have access to  
  • Raise awareness of good security practices among my family, friends, colleagues, and community


Sample acknowledgment certificate